New amenities for Pegasus have been completed at our Wicklow Farms location.
A new mounting ramp to allow wheelchair bound riders to safely mount a horse, a wooden training horse to get riders used to adopting the correct posture before trying the real thing, and our own dedicated access directly on to the arena, wide enough for the horse and rider, complete with the team of horse leader and two side-walkers to pass through with ease.
The work was financed by a generous gift from Jacqueline Mair, a professor in the Illustration Department at the Savannah College of Art and Design, who paid for the materials. Her husband, Mike Cross, designed and built the items and Glenn Miller from Savannah Floor Covering Co Inc generously subsidized the covering material for the ramp.
Jacqui Mair from SCAD and Peggi Noon are pictured above with the new mounting ramp which allows wheelchairs to be brought safely to the right height to mount the horse. At six feet by four feet the platform provides plenty of space to maneuver the wheelchair and assist the rider on to the horse. In use the Horse Leader will position the horse between the ramp and the offset block, facing to the right. Two side-walkers, one on the ramp and one on the offset block will assist the rider on to the horse. Once safely mounted, the horse is led into the arena, with the side-walkers walking along each side of the horse.