Thank you!!

We could not provide riding for the disabled without the help of our volunteers. Every disabled child on a horse needs three volunteers in addition to the instructor, one Horse Leader to control the horse and two side-walkers to ensure the safety of the rider.

The Horse Leader uses a lead rope to assist in controlling the direction of the horse. Side-walkers assist the rider in and out of the saddle and walk alongside the horse. Horses are trained to respond instinctively to kicks or pressure from the heels and you may be asked to take hold of the rider’s ankle to prevent any sudden unwanted movement. Classes run on a six week cycle, one hour at a time on the same day each week. It’s usual to have two classes one after the other and most of our volunteers stay for two hours. You need to possess normal physical mobility, and while prior experience with horses is not essential you need to be interested and willing to learn from the training we will give you. It’s rewarding work. Children who are withdrawn into their own inner world come to life on a horse. Our volunteers are diverse in age, education, profession, home town and ethnic background, from Savannah and around the world, but the one thing that binds them is their large and generous heart! It never ceases to amaze me how kind these folks are and how much they care for each child. Pegasus is blessed and we thank each one of you!

Volunteers get priority when it comes to exercising the horses so if you would like to ride, there are opportunities.

How can you help

If you’d like to volunteer with us please consider working with our horses and riders, however you don’t have to be good with horses or children to help. While we need volunteers to help with the horses and riders during classes, we also need the skills required in any business so if you’d like to volunteer some time for administration, accounting, maintenance, technology or veterinary services we’d also be delighted to talk with you. Visit our Contact Us Page to let us know you want to get started making a difference in the lives of our deserving students! Volunteers are required to fill out the following forms. You may download the .PDF files by clicking:

Photo Left – Volunteer Appreciation Day at Pegasus Riding Academy. Featuring a delicious Low Country Boil prepared on-site by our Equestrian Director, Peggi Noon. It’s the volunteers that make the program possible, without them we couldn’t help our children to achieve their potential so our grateful thanks are due to every one of them.

Photo Right – It takes three volunteers to work with one rider during class sessions.


To find out more or to reserve a place for your child please contact Peggi Noon at 912-547-6482.