Last Thursday evening, folks showed up for a traditional Lowcountry boil to celebrate a successful Spring Session that could not be possible without our exceptional volunteers! Thanks Harry for financing the shrimp from DUBBERLY’S. The best local shrimp available! This was just another opportunity for Peggi Noon, Director and Michael Cross, President of the Board of Directors to let the volunteers know how much they are appreciated. Without volunteers a therapeutic riding program cannot exist. Generally each rider needs a horseleader and two side walkers. That is three volunteers per rider! Additionally, we are blessed to have volunteers such as Caroline Holder, Volunteer Coordinator. Our volunteers are young and more mature, of every educational and ethnic background, from Savannah and around the world (right, Mike), numerous professional background BUT the one thing that binds them is their large and generous heart! It never ceases to amaze me how kind these folks are and how much they care for each child. Pegasus is blessed and we thank each one of you! Now…sign up for summer camp!
PRA Celebrates Exceptional Volunteers